sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

How to create good virtual tours

When you notice that a new investor is into town and building a whole block of apartments and he is want to sell them. The usual way of doing that is contacting and real estate dealer and make him an offer about getting clients for those houses. A lot of commission is involved in the process. What if I told you that there is another way of doing it, of finding clients and letting them see the apartments inside and outside without all the hassle. That option is called software for virtual tours and it will be the future way of selling a house.

This kind of process can be very simple and easy to use. You take a lot of pictures about the property inside and outside that are relevant to the viewer. After that we use them to create what is called a 3D view of the apartment or of the house. Is basically a way of travelling trough the interior of it using a mouse. All this is done is approximately 15 minutes. After that everyone can see the house you’re selling and you can start attracting potential clients.

Tour Wizard is a software designed for virtual tours which is very well featured packed but also is simple for the user too. All one needs is a laptop, internet connection and everything is set. You enter on the site and take the tour like you were actually in that place. Every detail is visible and understandable and everything is done in the comfort of your home. So no need for making appointments for a simple tour when everything can be done in every moment by everyone and for how long they want.

Buying a house and selling one are complicated processes made simple by the software for virtual tours. Try it and see the potential in it for advertising and also prospecting the viable options. 

duminică, 2 octombrie 2016

Tehnologia evolueaza - pana la smartwatches cu Android

Datorita faptului ca tehnologia evolueaza constant, astazi avem disponibile numeroase device-uri la preturi mult mai accesibile decat in trecut, un exemplu potrivit fiind smartwatch-urile. Daca in urma cu cativa ani acestea erau ravnite de multi, insa putini si le puteau permite, in ziua de azi sunt propuse numeroase modele, la preturi foarte bune, astfel ca sunt tot mai des intalnite. Un smartwatch Android este ca un adaos grozav al telefonului, intrucat cele doua dispozitive functioneaza impreuna in cele mai bune conditii.
Numeroase functii
Dispozitivele inteligente au rolul de a ne face viata mult mai confortabila, astfel ca smartwatch-urile dispun de mai multe functii. Monitorizarea somnului este una foarte importanta pentru cei care isi doresc sa se odihneasca cat mai bine si care cauta solutii prin care sa isi imbunatateasca calitatea acestuia.
De asemenea, cu ajutorul acestora, telefonul nu va mai fi ratacit niciodata prin casa, intrucat cu ajutorul functiei de find my phone, acesta poate fi programat sa sune direct de pe ceas. Mai mult, se poate folosi chiar si camera telefonului fara ca acesta sa fie atins, iar imaginile capturate sa poata fi vizualizate pe ecranul ceasului.
Mai discret
De multe ori ni se poate intampla sa fim la o intalnire la care sa nu putem raspunde la telefon sau mesaje fara a parea nepoliticosi, insa cu ajutorul acestor smartwatch-uri este mult mai confortabil si mai discret sa citesti un mesaj in doar cateva secunde.
Ideal pentru sport

Multe persoane inca folosesc telefonul atunci cand fac sport, chiar daca acesta este destul de incomod. In schimb, un smartwatch cu Android este ideal, intrucat acesta se potriveste cu fiecare dispozitiv care ruleaza o versiune mai noua de Android 4.2 si au ocazia de a-si masura bataile inimii pe minut, de cronometrare, de masurare a pasilor si a distantei parcurse, dar si multe altele.